Close up photo of solar panels angled up at a partly cloudy, but still sunny, day.

Buckingham HQ Goes Carbon Neutral

Effective May 2022, Buckingham Corporate is carbon neutral. Energy reduction and responsible consumption are key for our sustainability journey as a company - so is a clean energy supply. Starting in May, Buckingham Corporate has enrolled in the AES Indiana Green Power Program, utilizing clean, renewable energy sources to power our building.

What are the benefits? Our participation:

  • Reduces our corporate Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions
  • Recognizes our commitment to sustainability and ESG
  • Helps advance the development of renewable, environmentally friendly energy sources
  • Diversifies local energy supply and lessens the demand for fossil fuel generation
  • Reduces carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere from energy production

This is an exciting step in our sustainability journey as a company and one of many more to come as we continue to lead by example. Carbon neutral means that any CO2 released into the atmosphere from a company's activities is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed. Climate experts agree that we need to be entirely carbon neutral by 2050 if we hope to prevent devastating climate change.

What else is Buckingham doing?

  • Piloting two solar projects on existing clubhouses in 2022 - Governor Square and Gramercy in central Indiana.
  • Prioritizing the conversion of all common area and property lighting to LED. This initiative is focusing on Buckingham becoming all-LED within the next 5 years.
  • Continuing to identify technology and operational changes to lower our carbon footprint, reduce energy and maintenance costs, and improve the health and wellness of our teams and residents.


Learn more about Buckingham Companies' ESG policy, goals and progress as it relates to our entire company by clicking below.